目前分類:寫作Writing-最新真題 (9)

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1.  It’s more important to use your knowledge and experience than to ask others’ knowledge and experience to solve problems.

(1) greater energy, physical and mental

(2) more practical benefits [work, horizons, language-learning]

(3) fewer burdens/concerns



Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in the discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students’ learning?


克蕾爾 托福 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2019 年 9 月 7 日 托福寫作考題回憶

Saber-toothed cats
Reading says they're social animals.
Fossils of broken bones show that they are taking care. They were taken care of by their group members.
Tar pits with large numbers of cats trapped, they hunt in groups.
Live with large predators that are social animals like lions, cats need to live in groups to compete successfully.

聽力 Disagree
These injured animals may find dead animals for food, like modern tigers which live alone survive injuries by finding dead animals.


克蕾爾 托福 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2019 年 8 月 25 日 托福寫作 TOEFL Writing考題回憶           



cypress knee 的三個好處:

1. 釋放氧氣;

2. 可以更穩固的在地下扎根;

3. methane gas。


聽力   反駁

1. 做了 test,test 氧氣 level 之後發現並沒有增加多少;


克蕾爾 托福 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2019 8 24 日托福寫作TOEFL Writing考題回憶





cypress knee 的三個好處: 1. 釋放氧氣;

2. 可以更穩固的在地下扎根; 3. methane gas


聽力 反駁

1. 做了 testtest 氧氣 level 之後發現並沒有增加多少;


克蕾爾 托福 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2019 年 8 月 10 日 托福寫作TOEFL Writing考題回憶

綜合: 問題解決型   


the Everglades:一個 Florida 的 wetland ecosystem 正在 受到各種問題的影響。

1. The spread of invasive plants, 危害 native plants and animals, 比如 cattails(一種植物);

2. The drying up of the area, 有些地方已經變成了 dust;

3. The pollution of mercury, 危機整個地區所有的生命,有些 large animals 已經死了,野生動物和吃魚的人也會被影響


聽力   給出瞭解決方案

1.         入侵植物是因為農業中使用的 fertilizers, 以前營養低,對於 Everglades 的植物來說很適合,但是土壤中肥力過剩就 招致了 invasive plants, 減少 fertilizers 就可以解決這個問題


克蕾爾 托福 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Question 題目:


Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.

Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Why?



Samples 範文:


These days, people enjoy a plethora of dining options, as it is now possible to eat food at wonderful restaurants serving food from around the world, or to use modern technology to prepare great food in the comfort of our own homes.  Personally, I prefer to eat at home, rather than going out. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.

 To begin with, meals cooked at home are healthier than meals from restaurants, and I strongly value my health.  While meals prepared at restaurants are certainly delicious, they usually include a lot of oil, salt and sugar. Over consumption of unhealthy ingredients can have a profound effect on our health, and can even lead to chronic illnesses.  When I cook for myself at home, I precisely measure the amounts of everything that goes into my food and try my best to limit unhealthy ingredients whenever possible. It is true that my meals may not taste quite as nice at those I might get at a fancy restaurant, but I still enjoy my creations.  Rather than enjoying just the taste of the food, much of my pleasure is derived from the enjoyment that went into the cooking of it, and the peace of mind that I gain from knowing that I am taking care of my body.


克蕾爾 托福 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

< Morning 上午場>


Question 題目:

Some teachers prefer to record the lecture in advance so that students can be familiar with material before taking the class so that students can discuss what they have learned from the recorded lecture in the class. Do you think it is a good idea or not?



Samples 範文:


With the advancement of modern technology, there has been substantial progress in developing new teaching methods to assist students. In fact, it is proven that technology plays a role in helping students in various areas. Personally, I strongly agree with the opinion that recording lectures is beneficial to students.

Recorded videos furnish meaningful opportunities for students to have more interaction during class. Since students are able to preview the materials before going to class, the lecturer can spend more time on more in-depth discussion or debates during class time. For example, in a world history course, the lecturer can post the recorded videos online as an assignment, and students can watch them in advance to gain some background knowledge of a special event. Therefore, students can think about the influences caused by the event and even gather some more information online for further discussion. While in class, students can express more of their opinions and have more in-depth discussion with the professor.


克蕾爾 托福 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2019.08.10 的independent writing  題目:


2017.10.29 考過的舊題 (不用擔心 又是舊題 一定練習過)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

University should consider requiring students to take public speaking class, no matter what field they study.




Although many believe universities should not require graduating students to take public speaking courses, I on the other hand believe it is necessary for students to attend public speaking classes and this course must be mandatory for every students. I will address the most discernible reasons why I feel this way in the following .

To begin with, many people experience very hard time while the speaking in front of the others, because they do not learn how to control their fear and excitment. Thus, when they take public speaking course in university, they can manage their fear and able to have a exiting speaking. My own experience is a compelling example of this. When I was university student, I experience very hard time when I should presented my assignment in class, I could not recall what I prepare for presentation and spoke very unclear because of my stress. However, I used many first hand sources and I did well to organaized my assignment, but I got low grade for them due to my bad present. In my desperation, I attended optional public speaking courses, in that class I learnt how I can control my stress and exitment while I speake in public. Then I put that khnowledge in to account, and I got high grade in my dissertation defending session.


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有變難嗎? 絕對沒有!!!絕對沒有變難



但大家一定要記得:考場一定要是離自己家最近的 才不會舟車勞頓喔:)



independent writing (綜合寫作)


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