< Morning 上午場>
Question 題目:
Some teachers prefer to record the lecture in advance so that students can be familiar with material before taking the class so that students can discuss what they have learned from the recorded lecture in the class. Do you think it is a good idea or not?
Samples 範文:
With the advancement of modern technology, there has been substantial progress in developing new teaching methods to assist students. In fact, it is proven that technology plays a role in helping students in various areas. Personally, I strongly agree with the opinion that recording lectures is beneficial to students.
Recorded videos furnish meaningful opportunities for students to have more interaction during class. Since students are able to preview the materials before going to class, the lecturer can spend more time on more in-depth discussion or debates during class time. For example, in a world history course, the lecturer can post the recorded videos online as an assignment, and students can watch them in advance to gain some background knowledge of a special event. Therefore, students can think about the influences caused by the event and even gather some more information online for further discussion. While in class, students can express more of their opinions and have more in-depth discussion with the professor.
Using recorded videos are ideal for students to do distant learning. Nowadays, students are increasingly busier than ever, recorded materials provide opportunities for students who can’t not physically join classes to listen to lectures anytime and anywhere. For example, in the past if a student missed a class for any reasons, it is almost not possible for him or her to listen to the lecture again. Thanks to the advancement of the technology, the recorded materials are designed to be well-organized and easy to access, students can simply search by keywords and find out the lessons they missed and even to watch them over and over again.
Online teaching materials play a role in answering student’s questions faster. Before the emergence of class room recording, students have to meet professors or teaching assistants only in office hours, however, with the help of this cutting-end technology, students are able to get their feedback more quickly. For example, if a student gets stuck in writing a computer program and has no idea how to continue his or her experiment, posting a question in the forum is a conducive solution to this problem. Professors can answer a student’s question immediately, where students can get their feedback in a shorter period.
In conclusion, it is no doubt that this innovative teaching method assist students in various ways. The flexibility to learn anytime in anywhere and saving a lot of effort for students and professors all contributes to the advantages of recording lectures.