2019 年 9 月 7 日 托福寫作考題回憶
Saber-toothed cats
Reading says they're social animals.
Fossils of broken bones show that they are taking care. They were taken care of by their group members.
Tar pits with large numbers of cats trapped, they hunt in groups.
Live with large predators that are social animals like lions, cats need to live in groups to compete successfully.
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These injured animals may find dead animals for food, like modern tigers which live alone survive injuries by finding dead animals.
These cats were attracted by the cries of prey animals like deer one by one, and they went to hunt one by one, not in groups.
They do not need to live in groups to compete with social animals like lions. Like modern tigers, lone animals, they can compete successfully.
The most important characteristics for successful politician or leader is good communication skills.