1. 主題題
Decide the overall theme
-問的是 overall 的主題
<出題點> I am talking about...../Let’s concentrate on.... We’ll review/Now you had to read
2. 目的題
Why does the student visit the professor?
Why does the professor explain....?
<出題點> Ask 去某地的目的 做某事的目的 The reason why.../ in order to ......
3. 細節題
-只會問 major details 所以筆記只要記 major details 就可以
Minor details 不會問.
-不要因為選項中含有 conversation 或 lecture 中的 word 就選它 記得: Incorrect responses will often contain words and phrases in the listening
<出題點> 提到名詞(文中第一次出現) 人名 物名 地名 去哪裡(通常會問去的目的)
Notice/the reason/ important
4. 功能題(function)
-How certain is the speaker of the information reporting?
-Is a given statement intended to be taken as fact or opinion?
->What does the professor imply when he says this? (replay)
->what can be inferred from the professor’s response to the students?(replay)
->What is the purpose of the woman’s response?(replay)
->Why does the student say this?(replay)
5. 態度題
->What can be inferred about the student?
->What is the professor’s attitude toward..?
->What is the professor’s opinion of...?
->What can be inferred about the student when she says this? (Replay) ->What does the woman mean when she says this? (Replay)
用 speaker 的語調分辨
Speaker 的語調是 apologetic? Confused? Enthusiastic?
Really?/ It surprising me?/ It is amazing
6. 架構題
->How does the professor organize the information that she presents to the class?
這是問 overall 的架構
EX. In the order in which the events occurred.
->How does the professor clarify the points he makes about Mexico?
EX. By comparing Mexico to a neighboring country.
->How does the professor organize the information about...that he presents to the class?
->How is the discussion organized?
->Why does the professor discuss...?
-ask organize 的問題通常在 lecture 後
-注意教授在 listening 中所做的比較
-當教授說到 off-topic 的事情時 要清楚教授在描述的是什麼?
7. Connecting content Question 關聯題
->What is the likely outcome of doing procedure X before procedure Y?
->what can be inferred about X?
->What does the author imply about X?
可能會問 comparisons,因果, contradiction, and agreement, classify items into categories
排序: if.../after that.../ once...
8. making inference 推論題
->What does the professor imply about..?
->What will the student probably do next?
->What can be inferred about...?
->What does the professor imply when he says this?(replay)
Professor may imply something without speaking straightforward.
在大部分的情況下,正確答案 will use vocabulary not found in the listening passage.
I guess I should....
Just in case
One other/really/ But/then/But then/ I mean/entire 注意最高級
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