The NYU Promise: Tuition Covered for Families with Income Under $100K

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The NYU Promise: Tuition Covered for Families with Income Under $100K

Announcing The NYU Promise. Beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, President Linda G. Mills expanded NYU's commitment to affordability through The NYU Promise, guaranteeing that every undergraduate - domestic and international - who started as a first-year student admitted to our New York campus will not have to pay tuition if they have family income under $100,000 and hold typical assets.




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Who is eligible to have tuition covered?

Students admitted as first year undergraduate students to our New York campus, who apply for financial aid by the financial aid deadlines, and who have a family income under $100,000 and hold typical assets will be eligible to have their tuition covered.

Will there be adjustments to current students who qualify?

Yes. Any students enrolled at NYU in fall 2024 (including sophomores, juniors, and seniors) who meet the criteria will have their NYU Scholarship adjusted for the start of the fall 2024 term.

How does NYU define “income”?

NYU defines total income as the total of student and parent wages, earnings from a business or other self-employment, other taxable income such as unemployment compensation, and all untaxed income.

How does NYU define “typical” assets?

NYU defines typical assets as assets commensurate with family income levels.  A family’s assets may include cash and savings, investments, home equity, business net worth, other real estate and any other assets. Families with significant assets above what is typical for their income level may not qualify for full tuition, but would still qualify to have 100% of their demonstrated need met.

What if my need exceeds NYU tuition?

In addition to ensuring students will not have to pay tuition, NYU is also committed to meeting the demonstrated financial need of all new first year students who apply by our deadlines.  If your demonstrated need is greater than the cost of NYU tuition, your total NYU scholarships will exceed tuition to meet your demonstrated need.

Can international students qualify to have their tuition covered?

Yes. Tuition will be covered regardless of citizenship status as long as all of the other requirements are met. International students do not fill out the FAFSA when applying for financial aid.
























以下文章取自Yahoo 新聞  


明年起…紐約大學新生 年收入10萬以下免學費 Yahoo News






根據紐約大學史上首位女校長米爾斯(Linda Mills)在17日就職典禮中的發言,本學費減免項目將從2024年秋季學期開始。此外,該校為在獄中和曾經被監禁的學生提供免費大學課程的「監獄教育」項目,亦將允許學生獲得學士學位。


米爾斯表示,校方需要借助此種「內在的、未被挖掘的」想象力來發展未來實力,其同時也是紐大「最擅長的事情」。在紐約大學做訪問學者的前紐約市長白思豪(Bill de Blasio)也說,相信這一舉措將有助於減輕許多學生所面臨的經濟負擔,還代表了包容性、減少了經濟排斥,實際幫助家庭經濟狀況較為有限的家庭後代。


紐約大學董事會新任主席切斯勒(Evan Chesler)亦認為,此次調整將擴大低收入學生的學術機會。他說,為學生提供一種曾經可能無法得到的世界一流教育,可視為創造機會、踐行大學精神的行為。



























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