
以下這幾題必看 每一題都附上參考答案


題型一:同意/不同意 Agree/Disagree Style Questions 

問題一 Q1: “State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.

Then, explain your reasons using specific details in your argument.

Teachers should assign daily homework to students.”



參考答案: Sample Answer:

I support assigning daily homework to children, and I have two reasons for this perspective.

Firstly, I believe that regular homework aids in the prolonged retention of knowledge. To truly internalize a lesson, children need to revisit and practice it at home. Actively engaging with the material outside of the classroom setting contributes significantly to academic success over the long term.

Secondly, homework provides an opportunity for children to bond with their parents. My experience in elementary school illustrates that shared homework sessions fostered a closer relationship between my parents and me, creating a supportive and connected family dynamic.



問題二 Q2 “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

Children should assist their parents with household chores once they're old enough. Use details and examples in your response.”



參考答案: Sample Answer:

It's excellent for kids to start doing household chores once they're old. 

Firstly, it imparts valuable life skills. For example, as a child, I was responsible for preparing breakfast for my younger brother daily. This early experience in cooking helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle in college, as I could design my meals instead of relying on fast food.

Secondly, engaging in household chores together allows parents and children to bond. Whether cleaning dishes or cooking, these shared activities create a space for conversation, allowing kids to open up about their lives.



問題三 Q3  “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

It’s better for children to have younger teachers, even if they lack experience.”Use details and examples in your response.



參考答案: Sample Answer:

It's advantageous for students to have young teachers, even if they're somewhat inexperienced. 

Firstly, younger teachers can establish better connections with their students due to shared interests and a heightened awareness of pop culture. This relatability makes it easier for them to link classroom material to students' real lives, fostering motivation throughout the school day.

Secondly, younger teachers often bring more energy to the classroom. With class sizes growing larger than ever, this vitality becomes crucial, preventing issues older teachers might face in maintaining energy levels for extensive lessons with sizable groups of students.



問題四 Q4 :“Do you agree or disagree with the following sentence? 

We can learn a lot from making mistakes. Use details and examples in your response.

你同不同意以下的陳述 “我們從犯錯中可以學到很多東西” 在回答中使用具體細節和例子。


參考答案: Sample Answer:

I completely agree that we can gain valuable insights from our mistakes.

Firstly, the emotional impact of our past mistakes stays with us, often making us feel terrible. This emotional response is a powerful deterrent, motivating us to avoid repeating those mistakes and taking deliberate actions to prevent a recurrence. For instance, before a significant science midterm last year, I made the mistake of playing video games the entire day. 

Secondly, I failed the test and felt miserable. This experience taught me the importance of studying and preparation. For example, during exam season the following year, I dedicated myself to learning, and the result was a significant improvement in my understanding and performance.


題型二: 二選一 Paired Choice Style Questions (Independent)


問題一 Q1: “There are many approaches to academic studies, all of which have specific benefits.

Do you prefer studying for tests in a group or alone? Include details and examples to support your explanation.”



參考答案: Sample Answer:

I prefer studying for my tests independently for two main reasons.

Firstly, studying alone allows me to concentrate entirely on the specific areas I need to learn. In group study sessions, everyone has different weaknesses, and it's necessary to address each one, even if some group members excel in those areas. On the contrary, studying alone enables me to focus solely on my weak points, optimizing my chances of achieving the highest possible test score.

Secondly, I'm prone to distractions, which can be detrimental when studying in a group. For example, during a midterm exam preparation session last year with classmates, we discussed music and sports rather than focusing on the material. Consequently, my test score suffered.



問題二 Q2 “Some people like watching television news programs daily, while others like watching them only occasionally.

Which do you prefer? Include details and examples to support your explanation.” 



參考答案: Sample Answer:

I prefer to watch the news only occasionally, and there are two reasons for this.

Firstly, frequent exposure to the nightly news heightens my anxiety. Hearing about new wars or disasters every day leaves me feeling depressed, making it challenging to function in my daily life.

Secondly, daily news consumption is a time-consuming activity. Spending an hour daily on a news broadcast leaves me with insufficient time for more critical tasks. For instance, when I stopped watching the nightly news this month, I found completing all my homework assignments much more effortless.



問題三 Q3: “Some teachers encourage their students to work alone on projects and compete with each other.

Other teachers encourage them to collaborate and work in groups. Which approach do you think is better?”



參考答案: Sample Answer:

Teachers should actively promote collaboration among students for several reasons.

Firstly, encouraging collaboration imparts valuable workforce skills. For instance, during my senior year, a history class required me to collaborate with five classmates on a significant assignment. This experience involved managing schedules and resolving interpersonal conflicts within the group, skills that have proven invaluable in my current career.

Secondly, group projects tend to yield superior outcomes. The combined expertise of diverse team members enhances the overall quality of the final project, surpassing what a student could achieve independently.


題型三: 想法題 Good Idea Style (Independent)


問題一 Q1: “Some companies have rules that forbid employees from using personal cell phones during working hours.

Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”



參考答案: Sample Answer:

I believe it's a terrible idea to restrict employees from using their phones during working hours. I have two main reasons for this perspective.

Firstly, personal phones are our primary means of receiving urgent updates about emergencies involving our loved ones. The need to stay connected with family in critical situations is crucial. If employees feel cut off from this, it may prompt them to seek alternative employment that allows phone use—a situation detrimental to business.

Secondly, personal phones can positively impact workplace morale. The ability to quickly make a phone call or check social media can alleviate stress, contributing to a happier work environment. Improved employee happiness is likely to result in better performance.



問題二 Q2: “Nowadays, some people use extreme methods, including surgery, to change their appearance.

They do this because they want to look more attractive. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your answer with details and examples.” 




參考答案: Sample Answer:

I believe undergoing surgery to change your appearance is a fantastic idea, and I have two reasons for this perspective.

Firstly, it has the potential to boost our self-confidence significantly. When we are content with our appearance, we tend to be less reserved in social interactions, making it easier to connect with people. This increased confidence can translate into greater success in our personal and professional lives.

Secondly, the flexibility of reversing or modifying the results is a notable advantage. With the affordability of plastic surgery today, if the outcome is not as expected, one can opt for additional procedures to rectify or alter it. For example, I've personally undergone about six nose surgeries, and the associated costs have been relatively minimal.




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2堂超精華課程 每堂課程約10-18分鐘
Part 2 第二部份: 新制Academic discussion writing 學術討論寫作 :

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    克蕾爾 托福|雅思

    Claire Herbert TOEFL 克蕾爾托福 .雅思. GRE 滿分線上家教課程.台大|劍橋.MIT雙碩士| 一週1-2堂課. 3個月有效幫助同學前進國外名校

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