Useful Words and Phrases for Essays
英文寫作 超實用連接詞
General explaining 解釋..或做更多解釋
1. In order to
-為了要…..(達到 目的)
Ex. In order to do X, we need first to do Y.
2. In other words
Ex. I support you. In other words, I am always by your side.
3. To put it another way
Ex. Humans need to breathe. To put it another way, we will die without the air.
4. That is to say
Ex. The monastery, that is to say, is a place of continual repentance, of constantly renewed conversion.
5. To that end
所以/ 從那時起/之後…
Ex. He was aiming to get into the school swimming team, and to that end, he swam every evening.
Adding additional information to support a point. 提出更多想法及理由
1. Moreover
Ex. The population of the valleys was, moreover, distinct from that of the towns.
2. Furthermore
- 而且.此外.另外
Ex. And furthermore, Adam has a write-up about similar types of record projects, with pictures.
3. What’s more
Ex. And what's more, I understand that he actually gropes people who work on his show.
4. Likewise
Ex. It is likewise forbidden to make use of a stolen article or derive any benefit from it.
就像是… or也就是說…
Ex A seated Buddha carved of sandstone in Cave 8 at Yungang also has rounded forms of head and body, similarly, wrapped in the monk's robe.
6.Another key thing to remember
Ex. These are aspects, another key thing to remember, that represent an extremely narrow range of information and opinion.
7.As well as
也….or 以及
Ex. She finally reached the correct wall, the one beside the oak tree that would serve in concealing her as well as serving as an aid to help her up.
8.Not only… but also
Ex. The house not only is economical but also feels good to live in.
9. Coupled with
Ex. Smaller individual workstations, coupled with more common work areas may use space more productively.
10.Not to mention
更何況…or 更不用說...
Ex. He's highly trained in the martial arts, not to mention in the use of weaponry.
11. To say nothing of
更何況…or 更不用說..
Ex. True individualism among academics, to say nothing of donnish eccentricity, is but a memory.
Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast 表示相反意見
Ex. Any pups in the pack would show interest in the collar, however, this interest would wane to none after 7-10 days.
2. On the other hand
Ex. Athletics, on the other hand, was an excuse to mince around a field in a vest and carry out a bunch of pointless exercises.
3. Having said that
Ex. But having said that, it's also implicit in the film that backstreet abortionists cannot be a good thing.
4.By contrast
Ex. Media bosses, by contrast, seem not to be able to abandon ship quickly enough.
5. Yet
Ex. if several smokers were surveyed, it would be logical to assume that they could recite the risks of smoking, yet still smoke.
Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations 額外添加論點
1.Despite this
Ex. But despite this fact, the party has been uprooted from the political arena with defeats in both the elections.
2.With this in mind
Ex. With this in mind, he has once again updated his delightful pages of mirth and charitable good humor.
3.Provided that
Ex. This may well be true, provided that the nature of prophecy be correctly understood.
4. In view of
Ex. Perhaps that is a good thing in view of what awaits them in the next fortnight.
5. In light of
Ex. The Lions deserve the sweet victory in light of their sustained investment in good players.
6. Nonetheless
Ex. But nonetheless, there's a sense of hopefulness and optimism based on what happened in our family.
7. Nevertheless
Ex. I'll be there, nevertheless, but it would be informative to know what to expect coming in.
8. Notwithstanding
Ex. But, notwithstanding my determination to look on the black side of things, life isn't uniformly bad.
Giving examples 舉例
1.For instance
- 舉例來說...
Ex. He says, for instance, he's currently dating a foreign sculptress in her late thirties.
2.For example
- 舉例來說...
Ex. The numbers of street children in the province, for example, are relatively high.
3.To give an illustration
- 舉例來說...
Ex. In German, to give an illustration, the accusative case is always overt on arguments with masculine gender.
Signifying importance 強調重要性
-顯著地…or 尤其...
Ex. This type of exhaust also significantly reduces the excess gasses after each exhaust stroke of the pistons.
-顯著地… or 尤其...
Ex. You might try other herbs rich in salicylates, notably meadowsweet and wintergreen.
-顯著地…or 尤其… or 重要的…
Ex. And most importantly, letting the treaty stagger on along a Via Dolorosa of months of rejection is dangerous.
Summarising 結論段
1. In conclusion
Ex. In conclusion, let the buyer beware is the general rule.
2. Above all
Ex. Above all, it will be noted that the rate of loss of cholesterol from the cell membrane depends on the chemical activity of cholesterol.
3. Persuasive
Ex. It seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions.
Ex. The most compelling statement is presented by you.
5. All things considered
- 考量所有的事情後….
Ex. All things considered; it seems reasonable to have an agreement.
Resources: some of the sentences are from
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