(image from 2020 – The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games)
奧運的英文 是The Olympic Games or Olympics
About The Olympic Games 奧運介紹
The Olympic Games are an international sports festival, held every four years. The ultimate goals are to cultivate human beings, through sport, and contribute to world peace. Summer Games and Winter Games are held separately.
(From Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation)
The Ancient Olympic Games 古代奧運歷史
The history of the Olympics began some 2,300 years ago. Their origin lays in the Olympian Games, which were held in the Olympia area of ancient Greece. Although there are some theories on its initial purposes, the Games have been said to have started as a festival of art and sport, to worship gods. The ancient Olympic Games, however, ended in 393 because of the outbreaks of wars in the region in which they were held.
奧運會的歷史始於大約 2300 年前。它們起源於在古希臘奧林匹亞地區舉行的奧林匹亞運動會。儘管有一些關於其最初目的的理論,但據說奧運會是作為藝術和體育節日開始的,以崇拜神靈。然而,由於舉辦地區爆發戰爭,古代奧運會於393年結束。
(From Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation)
The Modern Olympic Games 現代奧運的起源
After a 1,500 year absence of the ancient Olympic Games, the event was resumed in the late nineteenth century, thanks to the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator. In 1894, his proposal to revive the Olympic Games was unanimously approved at the International Congress in Paris, and the first Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, two years later. He also devised the five-ring emblem that is familiar to most people as the Games’ symbol, which represents the unity of the five continents.
由於法國教育家皮埃爾·德·顧拜旦男爵 (Baron Pierre de Coubertin) 的努力,1500 年後的古代奧運會在 19 世紀後期重新舉辦。 1894年,他提出的恢復奧運會的提議在巴黎國際大會上獲得一致通過,兩年後第一屆奧運會在希臘雅典舉行。他還設計了大多數人熟悉的五環會徽作為奧運會的標誌,代表五大洲的統一
(From Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation)
Olympic Sports 東京奧運比賽項目
總計 33 個競賽種類如下
There are 33 sports and 46 disciplines in the official 2021 Olympic program.
三對三籃球 射箭 體操 水上芭蕾 田徑 羽球
棒球/壘球 籃球 沙灘排球. 拳擊 輕艇激流 輕艇競速
自行車競技 自行車競速 登山車競賽 自行車公路賽 自行車場地賽 跳水
馬術 擊劍 足球 高爾夫球 手球 曲棍球
柔道 空手道 馬拉松游泳 現代五項 韻律體操. 划船
橄欖球 風帆 射擊 滑板 攀岩 衝浪
游泳 桌球 跆拳道 網球 彈翻體操 鐵人三項
排球 水上手球 舉重 角力
(image from 2020 – The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games)
2020 東京奧運-台灣選手得獎名單
1. 金牌:「59公斤級舉重」郭婞淳
2. 金牌:「羽球男子雙打」李洋、王齊麟
3. 銀牌:「柔道」楊勇緯
4. 銀牌:「男子射箭團體賽」魏均珩、湯智鈞、鄧宇成
5. 銀牌:「體操男子鞍馬」李智凱
6. 銀牌:「羽球女子單打」戴資穎
7. 銅牌:「跆拳道」羅嘉翎
8. 銅牌:「桌球混雙」林昀儒 、鄭怡靜
9. 銅牌:「64公斤級舉重」陳玟卉
10. 銅牌:「高爾夫」潘政琮
11. 銅牌:「拳擊女子51公斤」黃筱雯
12. 銅牌:「空手道55公斤」文姿云
奧運獎牌 英文
獎牌: Medal
金牌: Gold Medal
銀牌: Silver Medal
銅牌: Bronze Medal
(image from 2020 – The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games)
開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony
閉幕典禮 Closing Ceremony